Frequently Ask Questions

Why should I order a custom beef from Lemmonmade Butcher Shop?

When you order a half or whole beef from us, you will only get high quality locally raised beef that is grown in South Dakota or North Dakota

How will I know which cuts to choose?

The main thing you must think about is your experience level with cooking. If you don’t know what a certain cut is, you will probably not try to cook it. If you don’t know how to cook it, it will sit in your freezer until it is too old and gets thrown out. The best way to know which cuts are right for you is to call the Lemmonmade Butcher Shop and talk to one of our employees who will gladly walk you through the cut instructions. You are not the first newcomer, and you definitely won’t be the last!

How soon should I expect my custom order?

Once the animal is killed, it will hang for a minimum of 10 days. Once your meat is cut up and frozen, we will call you. If you order a beef from the shop, it may take a week or two to find the right beef for you, so it may take up to a month before you will get a call saying your beef is ready to go.

Do you process beef in Rapid City?

NO, we do not have a butcher shop in Rapid City. Our butcher shop is in Lemmon, SD. Once a week we send freshly cut up meat down to The Market in Rapid City, SD. If you would like to order a half a beef or a whole beef, we can deliver the meat to the Market in Rapid City for a fee of $100 per whole beef ($50 per half).

Can I order custom cuts to be delivered to Rapid City?

Yes! Call the butcher shop in Lemmon, SD @ 605-374-6870 to order any custom order today!

Do you sell grass fed beef?

Yes. All the beef that we send to Rapid City is grass fed.

If I order a beef, can I choose between grass fed or grain fed?

Yes, tell us which one you prefer, and we will find the beef that is just right for you!

Is it cost effective to order a whole beef?

Yes! If you eat a lot of meat, it will save you a lot of money ordering an entire beef. It is more money upfront, and you must have freezer space, but it is still very cost effective. Check out our page “Local Livestock” to learn more.

Do you ship meat?

Yes, but only during the winter months. We also ask that you pay the shipping fee if you would like meat to be shipped.

Can I order a custom pig?

Yes! We will find a hog for you, and you will get to choose your custom cuts! You can have hams if there is a group of 5 or more pigs to process. Otherwise, it is not worth running the smoke house for only a couple hams.

How soon should I schedule a beef kill date?

Between the months of August and March it’s advised to schedule your beef a year in advance if possible. We do have a waitlist if you didn’t schedule soon enough, but making an appointment month in advance is appreciated.

What is value added on a cut sheet?

It is where you get the advantage of using your ground beef to enjoy some of our retail products at a discounted rate.

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